Did things turn out as you had planned? More specifically, when you look back at the year we have just “had”, did it turn out the way you thought it would? Did you achieve your goals and was your work environment and corporate culture as expected? Being realistic, did you make any real decisions about where you were, what were you trying to accomplish in 2020 or how you would get there?
This time last year, despite ongoing trade issues, the world was in a good space – high employment, low inflation, and a strong stock market. In early December 2019 no one would have predicted that by the same time this year 1.5m people would be dead from a global pandemic, 8.2m Australian’s livelihood would be reliant on a Government benefit payment from either Job Keeper or Job Seeker, and that we would be celebrating the simple freedom of interstate travel. NO ONE!
The list goes on in terms of occurrences that have been completely out of any individual country or person’s control and it means that folks are now sitting on their hands wondering what comes next. It is time to wrest back control of your own destiny because whilst we remain positive of a successful future, for many, there is more hardship to come.
As always, continual change creates opportunity, but you need to position yourself for success. Thinking about what has been good during 2020, there has been quite a few things we have come to enjoy. Spending more time with family, flexibility with regard to how you got your job done, a greater awareness of how technology enables us, improved team efficiency, respect for others in our team(s) and although working at arm’s length, being part of a collegiate group with aligned objectives most of the time.
Imagine if you had all of the above as well as being your own boss. Imagine determining your own approach in your business, earning significantly higher remuneration, and growing the value of your equity in the market place you are already specialised in.
Put simply “achieve success your way” and become a Tanner Menzies Licensee, a growing number of people are doing just that.
Call Peter Gleeson 0419367569, Ian Stacy 0417478229 or Peter Tanner 0419826637 or visit tannermenzies.net.au
Written by Peter Gleeson