Many changes are happening in the workplace especially for experienced recruiters. Earlier this year we would have been experiencing quite good books of assignments. Now, most of us will have seen some tapering of assignments and many recruiters will be asking “How do I survive the next 12 months?”
The priority needs to be you, your next assignment, and the fee outcome. These three items are your priority and your actions need to be tailored and focused on them. Some recruiters will have had their salary reduced, bonuses cancelled, been retrenched or “furloughed” but this does not hide the situation that without assignments your fee income is not going to turn around and neither is your financial wellbeing.
So where to from here? First and foremost, recruiters, good recruiters are confident and resilient. Second, your clients have in the past engaged you and your expertise to deliver their recruitment solution. They trust you and leverage your branding or your employers branding. Third, they have recruitment needs now and will have in the future.
Start with the clients you have done work with previously and let them know you are still working. Not a broadcast email, send them a personal message or make a call. Make sure they know you are interested in them and available to deliver. Then follow up on a regular cycle with some news or information, every three to five weeks or when something relevant crosses your desk. Look for quality, real quality individuals who are seeking a new career opportunity to “float”. Demonstrate you are active and engaged and thinking of them when you “see” a good individual.
This is activity that can lead to financial outcomes, remember focus on activity that has a potential outcome of an assignment, a financial fee outcome.
Now my final point, you. Your client engages you to get their solution, they don’t engage your employer, it is you they entrust with their need. When working for an employer you get salary and bonus for your overperform. As an employee the fee goes towards your target and you get a small percentage of the fee as your salary. If you want to get more reward for your effort and make more money, there is another option. Tanner Menzies have introduced an innovative new licensee model to ensure more money goes directly into your pocket. As a Tanner Menzies licensee, you keep the highest percentage of the fee, and Tanner Menzies provide the known brand and the back-office support including the financial platform and CRM.
Let’s face it you may already be working from home, working your own hours, interviewing using technology and generally “running your own show.” Enquire about becoming a Tanner Menzies Licensee and achieve more financial success – your way.