Things are improving.

It’s fair to say we have been through one of the most difficult economic periods in history, unprecedented in the modern era.

It has been interesting to observe, now as the new dawn breaks and opportunity begins knocking on so many doors, that lots of people are complaining about life and how so many “other” people seem to be faring better than them in the new world.

Well guess what?

Many of you are always going to be wondering about how “that person” managed to emerge so strongly from the mire of the pandemic.

Are you are worried or annoyed about where you have ended up over the last 18 months, about how some companies “took advantage” of government assistance to remain afloat, about how much income you didn’t make compared to previous years, what’s more you worked abbreviated hours and then did not make a bonus, in fact you really lost that time in career terms

If that’s how you feel and are not in control of your own destiny, then what are you going to do about it?

An answer of “basically nothing, I will wait until an opportunity knocks”, then please get ready for more of the same because you are going nowhere

To continue as you are, expecting someone else to show you the way to greater success is very naïve and frankly get ready to be past by others as they grow their careers in a planned way

You need to gain control of your future, to become a leader who develops their own professional vision based on the superior things you have done in the past. In recent times much has espoused by pundits, associations and experts across many industry sectors on what is needed to successfully run your own business

Many of these principles are well founded and relevant.

Nothing is more positive than working with those who have been there, done it and are prepared to share their knowledge. If you were then enter a community of likeminded business owners working to come together in creating a team who have all they need for success in terms of skills and experience, who are motivated to be the best in their field of specialization.

You could call this a “licence for success” where your past experience and success is then complimented by a structure which provides everything you need (with mentoring)

From that day onward you have your own business, you are in control of your destiny, as well as sharing reward and recognition at a level way beyond that which you can achieve working for someone else

This is a vehicle for your future success

That vehicle could be called a Tanner Menzies Licence which enables you to do that

You are already a recognized performer in the Recruitment/Human Resources space, the time is right for you to realize your potential,

Come on, get serious, you always wondered about having your own business, so make it happen, plenty of your colleagues are……

Other wise….”Stop Complaining Please”.

Call Peter Gleeson 0419367569, Ian Stacy 0417478229 or Peter Tanner 0419826637 or visit

Written by Peter Gleeson

Australia’s trusted partner for nationwide recruitment success

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