More recently you cannot help but notice that many “experts” are indicating that the industry has changed that dramatically and if you haven’t fundamentally changed the way you do “the” business, then you have fallen behind considerably. In some cases, to the stage of suggesting you should consider leaving the industry.
Fair to say that many of the tools to successfully recruit have advanced in the last decade whether they be technology based, sourcing techniques, AI etc. Moreover, the flexibility in the workplace is looking very different under hybrid models.
Fundamentally however the role of recruiter remains the same.
To be a successful recruiter you need to be seen as a specialist, an advisor who can be trusted to represent companies with transparency and professionalism in bringing them together with appropriate candidates who find value in the career advice and direction available from their consultant.
Interestingly many of the pundits proclaiming that there has been a fundamental shift in the industry and how it operates have not worked in the space for more than 10 years or so.
Where did they gain their knowledge of how the industry was in order to lay claim to understanding and advising on the obsolescence in the industry?
The bottom line is that although improvements in tools to do the job are helpful, we are essentially in an industry that is strongly influenced by human nature. Although they can be similar, no two scenarios are exactly the same. No one’s background circumstances are identical, just like no two recruitment exercises are the same.
Think about how many individuals are involved in a recruitment process and then the combination of all those variables to achieve a group consensus outcome. In order to have someone (often leaving an existing role, they thought was right) start in a new role.
So often the glue in the process is the recruitment consultant. They have taken the brief, sourced the candidates, coordinated the process, worked closely with the finalist and ensured they start work on the agreed date. What’s more? They often guarantee satisfactory performance for the first quarter, even though they have no control over that phase.
This has been the role of the consultant since the first time a brief was issued back when the industry emerged after the Second World War in the 1950’s. A time when so many new skill sets were needed to rebuild the global economic marketplace.
There is no question tools and techniques have been reviewed and improved over time but the role of the recruiter in managing the process has remained. They are experts at it and that is one of the reasons the profession has remained and prospered operating as an important business partner to industry.
Without the right people in their workplace, no company can operate to their potential.
It is important to discontinue referring to the line, you must change or “die” . More so the approach should be adjusted to take advantage of the conditions and continue to do what you do best, recruiting, making sure you use many of the proven techniques learned over decades.
If you would like to be a business owner at Tanner Menzies who have been instrumental in developing many of the processes needed to run a professional recruitment company, please call Peter Gleeson, Ian Stacy or Peter Tanner (03) 9190 8904 or visit