If you find yourself in the position of trying to decide on a new role at the time it is offered to you, it’s almost too late to do that, particularly if you want to be objective.
You may think that this is ridiculous, how can you decide regarding an offer before it has been offered?
It is important to realize that you can be in a position to make a positive, well thought through career decision, a considerable time before being asked to consider a specific role.
Unfortunately, too many candidates do not think through the reality that if they were to be successful in securing an offer for a role, it is expected that having been through a selection process which has been designed to provide the information they need to move forward, that they will more than likely accept the role, or rule it out at an earlier stage than the offer.
What the market is experiencing is that many candidates are not really interested in moving from their existing employer. Most are considering a role to simply check out the market or securing leverage in their current company or generally keeping abreast of what’s happening in the job market.
Then, when asked for commitment, they often withdraw, change their expectations or even worse, ghost the company or their representative (most likely a recruiter) such that the whole process collapses or needs rethinking.
The whole exercise becomes time-consuming, costly and frustrating for all stakeholders.
How do you prepare yourself to make the right decision when offered a new job?
Firstly, make sure you know why you are looking, that way you can make sure you have a list to refer to, should you receive a counteroffer from your current employer. This will remind you of why you wanted to leave (many counter offers result in the employee who stayed leaving within 12 months). Most reasons for leaving other than remuneration remain after a counteroffer, particularly if it is culture or leadership that are issues.
Make a second list of what you are really looking for in a new role, include leadership and values you work best with, this will become your shopping list during the selection phase.
The next list is what you believe are your primary strengths (5 or 6 only). This is for comparison in regard to what your new employer is looking for, it ensures you are bringing the skills needed for success.
These three lists will provide a template that will enable you to be in a position to make a quality career choice and be decisive in making that decision. In short, you have identified why you are changing, what your ideal role is and the skills you have to do the job.
Add to this the gut feel following the ongoing interaction with the new company, its environment and it is decision time.
If you would like to know more about working with professionals who really know the recruitment space, talk to us about working with Tanner Menzies as a Client, Candidate, or Licensee.
To know more, please call Peter Gleeson 0419367569, Ian Stacy 0417478229 or Peter Tanner 0419826637 or visit tannermenzies.net.au