Due to recent times of instability, many people are reconsidering their current roles and where they see themselves in the future. This instability was brought on by pandemic produced variables – changing work environments, corporate realignments and many more. These considerations are perhaps not as dramatic as ‘The Great Resignation’ (where someone will leave their job without a new job in place), with workers putting their behaviour down to burn out and an inability to think logically about their future. It’s more about looking outside their current company to see what’s available.

As recruiters, it is hard to determine if this is tyre kicking or a real attempt to realign career aspirations. When approaching or speaking with potential candidates, we are often told that the candidate is likely going to stay where they are, but appreciate being considered. We are also well aware that involvement in a recruitment process will provide an opportunity to review a candidate’s current reward structure to make sure they are being appropriately remunerated.

We all know the steps that we go through in the recruitment process which is a little more urgent with today’s incredibly high employment rate. Towards the end of the exercise, the ever more common counter offer often appears, confusing the outcome as current employers realise they are about to lose a key often strategic employee to a competitor or otherwise. The new arrangement may even retain the person for at least a short while longer.

Many employers are running the dangerous gauntlet of either not looking after existing employees, or when trying to attract new talent believing a less than competitive package will attract top candidates. If employers think they can secure more for less in today’s market they are wrong.

Further, if they expect greater productivity from existing underpaid team members or new entrants with less skill than required, they are simply not going to achieve their corporate goals, which will mean to further instability on the workforce front in the mid-term.

Meanwhile back at the employment coalface recruiters are continually told by candidates that the reason for them not accepting a new role is job security and a preference to stay with what they know… Has everyone forgotten what changes have been made in the firm they (used to) know?

Nearly every company has needed to adapt. They’ve needed to change work environments to hybrid models, adjust job descriptions and restructure as a result, alter the number of hours worked and paid for, change remuneration structures likely involving less take-home pay, not train, performance appraise or develop staff, introduce management by analysis plus much more. There is now a move to return to a mix of old and new in terms of workplaces which is again putting strain on existing staff and their capability.

Put simply, the only constant is change and as the availability of new talent diminishes, expectations of existing staff grow and whilst this may be a good time to ask for a raise, expect greater demands on your performance and loyalty. This bubbling pot of business change will lead to instability in terms of job and therefore financial security, so be prepared.

There is always opportunity in times of change but you need to be prepared, the role of the professional recruiter has never been so important particularly if you are in your own business and able to control your destiny. Give us a call and we can show you how to achieve independence in these times of change taking advantage of the current employment landscape. We have a wealth of experience in the recruitment and HR sector. Call Peter Gleeson 0419367569, Ian Stacy 0417478229 or Peter Tanner 0419826637 or visit tannermenzies.net.au for more information.

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