Just the other day I was watching a Formula one car race and a comment was passed that a certain make of racing car has never had a better chance to win. They had the fastest cars, best drivers, and a superior track record to any other team, basically double the number of wins this season of their nearest rival. However, on the track they were beaten by another car. What’s more, that was two in a row. In all fairness, they did come back and win the next Grand Prix, clearly having sorted out their bugs and achieved the desired result.
They have competed in every race of the season so far and general opinion was they couldn’t be beaten on their day.
It is interesting to compare this to the current employment market both in Australia and globally.
Candidates have never been in a better position to succeed in the pursuit of the best available job options and developing their career path to maximize their potential.
Sure, there is competition for the best roles, but let’s look at the market.
Unemployment is at all-time lows. At least in recent history, immigration and offshore entrants are almost non-existent. Many businesses are doing well despite volatility. The government continues to prop up many companies and provides incentives for up-skilling. In terms of actual job descriptions employers have never been more amenable to consider things like hybrid roles, job sharing, improved learning and development, flexibility and more. Some are even recognizing the ongoing market dynamics are providing financial incentives such as sign on bonuses, increasing base salaries, performance-based incentives, educational assistance and more.
So, using the analogy of Formula 1 where the fastest car with the best driver and backup team basically has to lose the race for others to win, why is it that potential candidates for jobs are not enjoying this buoyant market?
These professionals who have the required skill sets that companies are seeking; they are likely being under compensated and generally in a lot of cases unhappy in their work environment.
Why are they not securing these ideal roles where much, if not all of what they seek is available?
It seems that the big gap in the scenario is that these potentially perfect fitting workers are not entering the race, often citing job security as the reason. Please ask any racing car driver who is the first to be blamed when performance drops off.
How is their job security when the team starts losing?
The job market is similar, but you cannot win the race for the best jobs unless you are in it and don’t assume you will always have your current position.
You owe it to yourself to test the market.
There has never been a better time to review your options. The boot is on your foot and as a highly sought-after candidate, what can you lose? Frankly what you can gain is a missed opportunity and that is not ideal, is it?
Highly skilled candidates are being placed in ideal roles by our specialized Licensees constantly. If you would like to know more about how you can benefit from our expertise and market knowledge, reach out to Peter Gleeson, Ian Stacy or Peter Tanner at (03) 9190 8904 or visit tannermenzies.net.au